
3D2N, Anyer beyotch!

so, my crowd3d class went to anyer beach about 3days2nights (27-29march). It was totally FUNJOY! Beach always brings happiness around us. when we arrived, some of us threw themselves On the beach..not all of us, including me, lebih baik membasahi kaki dengan sedikit air laut dan melihat sunset. selain ada yg menceburkan diri, ada juga yg diceburin', terus malem2nya makan dan melakukan hal yg lain, seperti mencari klomang wtf ?_? yaudah karena malem itu bukan the point of night' jadi ga ada bbq or etc lah, cuman main2 aja. kaya main uno, or pokemosquitoes! and the night was over, so here we are---- pagi yg cukup bersahabat untuk mencari kepitsing dan aneka binatang laut yg lain lg. and.......about 232-3940-34233295days i never saw the rainbow again, and i saw it!! beach so beautiful. we love i love it. and finally ME-IQBAL-IO STARTED to swam, with surfboard (not in reality surfboad*kaya terbuat dari gabus yg keras). dan semuanya mengikuti, ga semuanya sih. pokoknya gitu deh-And "The sun had turned of the light, its our turn to turn on the light. WE OWN THE NIGHT GUYS"the night had started......bakar2 ikan, makan es kelapa muda+susumuda. hmm. "It's always a party when my friends are here.we don't need balloons or music here. cause,when we're together,there's fun everywhere!"
dan sampe besok paginya, the rainbow let us to see their beauty- 
too hard to say goodbye, bye anyer beyotch!So we went home about 11:00 am,wib.  


cake del barc.

ystr-day myfriendsssss made a cake in myhos. yeah jessymoilioio wanted to make a cake for her bf. and idkw kenapa bisa dirumah gw?gatau jg sih. tapi intinya kita bolak-balik ketoko kue mencari bahan-bahan yang insyallah berguna bagi kue kita nantinya h3h3h3. 
here we go-------
ingredients : 
1. One pack of Pondan cake mix....
2. 6 eggs
3. 150gr meltedmargarine
and how to make it?
-Heat oven to 180°c
-Beat eggs at high speed for 2-3mnt.
-add Pondancakemix then beat again at high speed for 7mnt
-add cooled meltedmargarine and stir well until even
Yaudah abis itu masukin ke oven sekitar 35-40mnt.......and tarrrrra u will get it
the big one(forus)

the small one

hmm pas lagi nungguin kuenya jadi biar ga bt mendingan bikin omeletcheesszzy. and here we go again~~

rada aneh sih tapi, the taste?enaklah pastinya. mau tau caranya?emang mau tau banget?-_-
after all- akhirnya the hardest part............menghias kue WITHOUT EXPERTISE.
 tapi akhirnya jadi jg.



another randomfeelin that i feel. rindu sama sesuatu yang pernah ada. i miss myfamily, they dnt go, they are still here......... i miss my oldfriend, gatau kenapa rindu aja, sometimes i thought its better to stay at home,than u must spend ur money in one night(gagitu jg sih) tapi intinya rindu main sama mereka. hmm i lost a little faith in me, mungkin ini kaliyah penyebab perasaan rindu itu-_-. ohiya have u ever kept a secret, and that secret should be shared with people who you think they should know?very out of topic sih, beneran ga enak banget rasanya. kalo bisa dibilang sih ini kegalauan tingkat biosfer. tapi namanya rahasia tetep rahasia, there's more one way to do it, jadi ga perlu ngebocorin rahasianya juga h3h3h3-_-.


i've said if before>"i'd ratherr there'sss a midtest in my school, than you must have an exam everyday and u still do ur a lot lot lot of dutttiess" yeah hellyeah-on....and now i was in world of mid-test, its kinda funny, i've never seriously studied in mid-test euh jadi tuh tiap malem kerjaannya kita nongkrong dirumah fauziah. titlenya sih"belajar bareng" tapi pas disana. yahh as teenagelife lah, kalo ngumpul ya ngapain lg?heuheuhue-_-. afaik yahh midtest tuh ga dimasukin nilai rapor. jd WHOCARES ABOUT THE MIDTEST? tapi gatau juga sih. tapi pastinya kalo buat di sekolah gw ga ada yang namanya nilai tak berguna~ halahlebay. 